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Snow leopards need champions like YOU.

Help protect snow leopards!

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Snow Leopard Trust is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization, and your donation is tax deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. Please keep your receipt as your official record. We'll email it to you upon successful completion of your donation.

This tiny cub is a mother now, thanks to YOU. 

Presnel has had three litters of cubs so far! But she lives in an area where unprotected livestock can be a dangerous temptation for predators like her. Fortunately, the community ranger initiatives you support are working to keep both her and the livestock safe. These programs promote coexistence and are a lifeline to snow leopards and the communities who share their habitat.

Will you help expand our ranger programs to protect more snow leopards?

Our field team recently shared that Presnel’s nearly-grown cubs separated from her in February and are now searching for their own territories to call home. Your gift will help ensure this new generation of snow leopards can find mates and raise young in a place where cats and people can coexist.

Protect Cats & Livelihoods

Build predator-resistant corrals to keep livestock safe and foster coexistence.

Equip Rangers

Provide equipment including GPS units, laptops, binoculars and spotting scopes.

Power our Research

Install research cameras so rangers can better monitor and protect snow leopards.

Thank you to our conservation partner, Tulsa Zoo, for their generous $5,000 matching gift!

Photo credits: Sascha Fonseca, SLCF-Mongolia and SLF-Kyrgyzstan

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